Sunday, May 3, 2009

My awesome girlfriend is awesome... can we get her in here?

Hey everybody, I know this is my second post and I still haven't posted any of my own shit but after getting reamed at portfolio for having shitty scans I'm distrustful of the technology I've got and have decided instead to showcase my Girlfriend, Cryssy Cheung's beautiful vector illustrations. I hate to read so without further hullabaloo here's her wonderful work...

Check out more of her work at I know I'm biased but I vote for her to join the Tasty Paint family. OMG TTYL guys!!!! ROFLCOPTERS!!!!!!!!


  1. I looooove these-- I vote yes! Invite her :)!

    Too many boys on this blog anyway I SAY.

  2. i second that. also I need vector lessons lol..

  3. Awesome, bring her aboard! :)

  4. In response to "JEN'S" comment, "GO BOYS"!!! we are the s***, just kidding, i agree these are very nicely done
