Thursday, July 2, 2009

A flask that I painted today for use this July 4th weekend hahaha


  1. holy cow dude, what's the medium?

  2. thanks man, it's acrylic sealed with mod podge gloss

  3. Yeah dude, im looking hard for things to crit on it. If im being like super super picky the only things i can find are something weird going on with the top of the ear, and a tangent with the collar and the hair on the opposite side. But thats all man, good stuff.

  4. Ha! this is fantastic.. I love this. What an awesome idea!

  5. Thanks everybody. Yeah, the top of his ear looks jacked up, I think I was trying to make a shadow on it and forgot to finish it lol. Btw Andrew, you live in Hauppauge right? I'm like just one town over in Bohemia, we should chill and sketch sometime soon.

  6. i'm actually in Patchogue but its still not far away. I dont know if you're up for it, but Stonybrook University does 3hr model drawing sessions on weekends for $2 for students. But i'm also up for drawing and painting anywhere on long island. Facebook me.

  7. Is that not the coolest flask in the world?
